Fit and Fun Edutainers!
What a great term… and a great team!
Meet edutainers, twin sisters, Kymberly Williams-Evans and Alexandra Williams of Fun and Fit… with “Active Aging Answers for Boom-Chicka-Boomers!”

Their story is quite interesting—involving revolutions, Europe, lost luggage in the Arctic Circle, and workout tops gone awry.
I caught up with Kymberly and Alexandra soon after they spoke at a recent Bloggers at Midlife conference in Nashville, put on by the cool folks at Midlife Boulevard. They were there to help energize, motivate and inspire the audience while mingling and exchanging experiences with fellow boomer bloggers.
Fitness has taken us around the world to meet some of the best people.
Kymberly and Alexandra are hilarious and they keep fitness fun, practical and effective.
They began teaching aerobics in the early 80’s even before it was a “thing”.
It seems they just happened to be in the right place at the right time. But they also seized the opportunities that came their way, walking through each open door of opportunity which led to globetrotting and living around the world during most of their 20’s.
“We’ve met some of the most amazing people around the world through fitness,” says Kymberly.
And revolutions?

It just seems that wherever we would travel there just happened to be a coup!
We will never know what roles they may or may not have played in catalyzing revolutions, but chances are good a few involved a few broken hearts when they finally returned home to settle down and raise kids.
The twins are sold on fitness for life and eager to help others keep healthy and fired up with healthy lifestyles. One of their mottos is so true and so important:

Small Steps lead to Big Changes
You can read more on that and other really helpful tips and articles on their blog.
In our conversation we also evaluated two angles to a similar quote:
Alexandra said, “Once you do a lot of movement it’s actually more uncomfortable to be still.”
But I thought she said, “Once you do a lot of movement it’s actually more comfortable to be still.”
Turns out both sides of this coin are true.
Tune in to this fun interview with delightful and fit boomer twin sisters, Kymberly Williams-Evans and Alexandra Williams, and please visit their site for some fun inspiration.

International fitness professionals, twins, and edu-tainers, Kymberly Williams-Evans, MA and Alexandra Williams, MA have been in the fitness industry since the first aerobics studios opened–with them–in Europe, before leg warmers and thong leotards were the rage.
They teach, write, and present their programs on land, sea and airwaves. Kymberly is former faculty for the Dept of Exercise and Sports Studies at University of California Santa Barbara: Alexandra edits and writes for IDEA: The Association for Health and Fitness Professionals. Catch them at events or hire them for yours, and on their website
Twitter – Kymberly Twitter – Alexandra