Your Gift to the World

[Pardon the occasional internet freeze in this video. It’s mostly brief and in the first half].

What’s your gift to the world?

Inquiry, Originality, Vision, Dream, Purpose, Jamie Greenberg, Chief Originologist and founder of A Brand YOU Way,,  LeAura Alderson, Best Boomers and Beyond, Boomers Reinvented, Baby Boomers, New Career, Entrepreneurs, Branding, Creating Your Brand, Ali Skylar, Coach, Mentor

Do you know?

Hint:  it begins with “Y”.

It’s YOU!

So… who are YOU… really?

Do you sometimes feel like you’ve not yet even begun tapping into your amazing potential? Are you ready to get on with what it is you’re really here to do?

Originality, Vision, Dream, Purpose, Jamie Greenberg, Chief Originologist and founder of A Brand YOU Way,,  LeAura Alderson, Best Boomers and Beyond, Boomers Reinvented, Baby Boomers, New Career, Entrepreneurs, Branding, Creating Your Brand, Ali Skylar, Coach, Mentor

How and where do you begin?

Tune into this engaging interview with Jamie Greenberg “chief originologist” and branding wizard at A Brand YOU way to get a head start on discovering this for yourself.

Jamie gets it.

Jamie has an intuitive eye and a knack for cutting through to your essence, holding it up to the light to marvel at, then carefully constructing the best form or vehicle for presenting that to the world.

Refinement, Vision, Dream, Purpose, Jamie Greenberg, Chief Originologist and founder of A Brand YOU Way,,  LeAura Alderson, Best Boomers and Beyond, Boomers Reinvented, Baby Boomers, New Career, Entrepreneurs, Branding, Creating Your Brand, Ali Skylar, Coach, Mentor

In my diligent auto-didactic pursuit with numerous coaches and programs, Jamie was able to accomplish in short order what most were not able to do at all:  laser in on the soul of who I am and what gifts I can best bring into the world.  Then he helped me hone in on creative ways to share that more fully with the world.

Jamie is like the stone cutter with an eye for cutting the diamond in a way that reveals its hidden beauty and authentic lines.  He’s gifted at helping people discover and position their essence into their best brand through his company, A Brand You Way.

Vision, Dream, Purpose, Jamie Greenberg, Chief Originologist and founder of A Brand YOU Way,,  LeAura Alderson, Best Boomers and Beyond, Boomers Reinvented, Baby Boomers, New Career, Entrepreneurs, Branding, Creating Your Brand, Ali Skylar, Coach, Mentor

Jamie and I both coach people, and yet we’ve each benefit from coaching each other.  The best coaches also continuously seek coaching. The diamond needs the jewelers help to shine. The jeweler needs the diamond to reveal his own brilliance and artistry.

Those who are determined to grow increasingly more conscious and self-aware, seek input regularly, from various sources, ever tweaking and adjusting toward better. That’s how all life on earth grows best:  tap in, tune in, grow, adapt, refine, shine, repeat.

Dream, Purpose, Jamie Greenberg, Chief Originologist and founder of A Brand YOU Way,,  LeAura Alderson, Best Boomers and Beyond, Boomers Reinvented, Baby Boomers, New Career, Entrepreneurs, Branding, Creating Your Brand, Ali Skylar, Coach, Mentor

Many people today feel that something is missing in their lives… that they’re missing the mark but can’t quite put their finger on what that mark is.

Whenever we feel out of sorts, it’s usually an indication that we may be slightly off course.

Those emotional rough spots are like the bumpy shoulder of the highway that signals we’ve strayed off the main road. Inner agitation and depression is often a message from our soul. It may be the message that it’s time to get on with our real work.  Jamie can help with that.

Purpose, Jamie Greenberg, Chief Originologist and founder of A Brand YOU Way,,  LeAura Alderson, Best Boomers and Beyond, Boomers Reinvented, Baby Boomers, New Career, Entrepreneurs, Branding, Creating Your Brand, Ali Skylar, Coach, Mentor


Most boomers have amassed a reservoir of experience, skills and wisdom to draw from and share, but may not be clear on some of the best ways to do that.  Jamie talks about how his four phase process lasers in to help you identify your “why and then your “what”.

When you think about it, it makes so much more sense to get paid doing what you love, than to continue to work more years doing something you don’t.

When you’re doing work you love, it’s no longer work. It’s joy!
Don’t leave your song unsung, your canvas half painted, your book unwritten, and dreams unrealized.
Craft your talent into treasure, Jamie Greenberg, Chief Originologist and founder of A Brand YOU Way,,  LeAura Alderson, Best Boomers and Beyond, Boomers Reinvented, Baby Boomers, New Career, Entrepreneurs, Branding, Creating Your Brand, Ali Skylar, Coach, Mentor

Jamie can help you snag your “gorgeous chaos moments”, and identify your focus… your diamond or “tagline”, and then identify the setting or process for manifesting it.

Manifest, Jamie Greenberg, Chief Originologist and founder of A Brand YOU Way,,  LeAura Alderson, Best Boomers and Beyond, Boomers Reinvented, Baby Boomers, New Career, Entrepreneurs, Branding, Creating Your Brand, Ali Skylar, Coach, Mentor

Tune into this video interview to hear Jamie’s story, and some valuable tips on his four key pillars of Vision, Purpose, Passion and Values. He can help you refine and craft yours into an authentic brand that’s your gift to the world.



NOW is the best time to start.


Free Toolkit to get you started.
Free Toolkit to get you started.

Get Jamie’s free toolkit to help you get started bringing your gift to the world.

Jamie Greenberg, Chief Originologist and founder of A Brand YOU Way,,  LeAura Alderson, Best Boomers and Beyond, Boomers Reinvented, Baby Boomers, New Career, Entrepreneurs, Branding, Creating Your Brand, Ali Skylar, Coach, Mentor
Jamie Greenberg, Chief Originologist and founder of A Brand YOU Way




Jamie Greenberg is father of two and long time spouse to the inspired word artist, author, writer, and extraordinarily creative Ali Skylar, whom we also interviewed on Boomers Reinvented. After years of running a successful entertainment agency and helping his family grow and sell a multi-million dollar toy company, Jamie’s passion is to inspire and mentor YOU on how to tap into the miraculous power of YOUR originality and “personal brand” so you can live the life you’re SUPPOSED to live!




Ali Skylar’s Sucky to Soulful


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ABYW Systems Chart-black

I.I.I.A.Flow Chart








Rebirth of Soul

Tami Gaines’ story is that of a hard-wrought journey of survival and thriving against all odds, and at great personal costs.  But it is often when we are most challenged that our greatest strengths emerge.

Tami’s story is one of turning struggle to triumph, and converting pain and agony into opportunities for discovery, growth and renewal. She is an ideator, entrepreneur, single mom of four, author speaker, and radio show host, passionate about educating and empowering others to excellence.

From her desire to serve, while nurturing her own entrepreneurial dreams, Tami created The Rebirth of Soul programs, books and radio show, to help others find the one moment in their greatest challenge, when they discover that they are not as weak as they once believed – the moment when they find their inner strength.  The one moment that makes everything that follows… possible.

Tami is committed to helping women in transition rebirth the soul of their most difficult experiences.

We hope you enjoy the conversation with Tami, and visit her site to learn more about her incredible journey from pain, tragedy and conflict to success and resolution.

Tami Gaines, Rebirth of the Soul Radio, LeAura Alderson, Best Boomers and Beyond, transformation, success from stuggle, entrepreneurs, preemies,
Tami Gaines, author, speaker, entrepreneur, single mother of four.



Tami Gaines‘ life has been largely defined by tremendous achievement, though the road to those successes has often been lined with giant potholes – seemingly insurmountable obstacles.  Tami’s has been able to find hidden gifts of growth in every challenge and embrace each setback as a choice to be bigger than her problems, and now she’s passionate about helping other do the same through her speaking, training, books and programs.

And, while Tami is three years younger than the youngest of the boomer generation, her story of personal transformation, adaptation and reinvention is inspiring, with lessons and learnings for anyone.