Playing in the Rain

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When did we forget the simple joy of playing in the rain?  When did we stop raising our faces and sticking out our tongues to catch the drops as they fell?

Next time it rains…stand on your porch and inhale deeply, the delightful freshness. Step out into the rain, but not with shoulders hunched, head down and face squinting. Instead, step into the rain and open your arms, raise your face, taste a raindrop and dance!

Playing in the Rain

We hope you enjoy this sweet video as much as we did. Chances are it will warm your heart as it did ours.

Time to Play in the Rain Again

Do you remember who you were before you stopped playing in the rain? Maybe it’s time to don some rubber boots and jump in puddles again. It’s time to remember what you loved when you were little… before your light got covered up in the ways of the world.

Time to refresh your life with the simple joys childhood joys. Remember what was lost there… and reclaim it.
~LeAura Alderson,

If you have little children or grandchildren, then all the better… you can do it together next time it rains. If you do you will be making memories you both will cherish. But don’t wait! There’s never a perfect time to play in the rain… and that’s part of the fun.

If you enjoyed that and want a little more rain and puddle fun, here’s a delightful duo—Alecia and Ferris. Dad slows the video to slo-mo at about 2:11 minutes for some really cool visuals.

Now… let’s go play in the rain!


And if you do step out in the rain, please take pictures and send some to us.  We’d love to share them here as inspiration for others who pass this way. ☔

Revive. Rekindle. Reinvent your second half!

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