Dating for Baby Boomers

Are you a single Baby Boomer? Are you new to dating?  Have you given up on relationships?  Or maybe you’re anguishing over feeling like you’re in a dead-end relationship with no way out?

Huffington Post, Dr. Joe Amoia, GPS for Love, single dating, baby boomer dating, marriage relationships, how to find love, how to revive a stale marriage, dating coach, love coach, ambassador for love, LeAura Alderson, Baby Boomer Generation, Best Boomers and Beyond
More than half — 56 percent — of single baby boomers surveyed said they were open to the idea of dating, while 45 percent said they already were dating. Huffington Post

Our friend, Dr. Joe Amoia over at GPS for Love, is an expert on dating and relationships.  It’s a topic he’s so passionate about that he left a lucrative chiropractic practice to follow his heart helping people with matters of the heart over the back!  But interestingly, Joe also knows that happy relationships go a long way toward contributing to overall health and wellness.

“Eventually you will come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is.” Gary Zukav

Dr. Joe shares his story on this interview on how he got involved in dating coaching, and you can also checkout the article he wrote for us on how his Midlfe Crisis Was Really a Midlife Calling.  Perhaps you can relate?  If you have your own story of a transformation that led to an entirely new career or life reinvention, please let us know!  We love your stories!

Dr. Joe Amoia, GPS for Love, single dating, baby boomer dating, marriage relationships, how to find love, how to revive a stale marriage, dating coach, love coach, ambassador for love, LeAura Alderson, Baby Boomer Generation, Best Boomers and Beyond
Telly Savalas, “Kojak”, 1/21/1922 – 1/22/1994.

Okay… flashback to the 1970’s. Do you remember Telly Savalas of Kojak fame?  Well Joe reminds me of Telly.  Joe says, “I’m a bald guy with a big nose”.  Well, like Kojak, Joe’s a charismatic, straight-talking New York – New Jersey guy with a big heart, who will tell it like it is, while helping you make it what you want it to be. Your romantic life, that is.

Joe’s regular emails and blog articles are entertaining, insightful and fun to read, while offering lots of poignant tips and advice for dating and relationships, no matter your age. In fact, Joe says that about 50% of his clients and readers, viewers and fans are of the baby boomer generation!

Dr. Joe Amoia, GPS for Love, single dating, baby boomer dating, marriage relationships, how to find love, how to revive a stale marriage, dating coach, love coach, ambassador for love, LeAura Alderson, Baby Boomer Generation, Best Boomers and Beyond
If you’re a single boomer, are you open to dating?

So, if you want to know three signs a guys is committed to growth, or whether your wasting your time on the wrong guy, or the tools for healing a broken heart, please tune into this interview and visit and peruse his relevant articles and videos.  Dr. Joe’s got answers that will help you, single or not!

Meanwhile, the statistics on single boomers is surprising: first, approximately 33% of baby boomers are single!  But, the good news: most of them are open to dating.  I predict Dr. Joe will be very busy soon.

We hope you enjoy this interview with Dr. Joe Amoia, of GPS for Love.  Let us know, will you?  You can post comments below, or on our Facebook page, or if you prefer to be more private, you can email us.

Dr. Joe Amoia, GPS for Love, single dating, baby boomer dating, marriage relationships, how to find love, how to revive a stale marriage, dating coach, love coach, ambassador for love, LeAura Alderson, Baby Boomer Generation, Best Boomers and Beyond
Dr. Joe Amoia, The Ambassador of Love, at GPS for Love.


Dr. Joe Amoia, teaches women all over the globe how to put themselves in position to win the Game of Love over at GPS for Love. Visit Dr. Joe’s site and learn from his unique approach through his many creations: ‘Checklist for Love Program’, ‘The ABC’s of Smarter Dating: 26 Tips and Strategies to Immediately Improve Your Love Life’ and the ‘Dating Power Unleashed’ audio program.



Turning Assets into Income


One of the best ways to succeed in whatever we do is to learn from those who know more than we do about our given area of interest, and who have achieved more than we have in whatever area we’re seeking growth.

I’m super optimistic about the world these days.

I’m optimistic, primarily because I do not tune into the media of negativism and fear. Instead, I tune into interesting people who are living extraordinary lives, and I learn from them daily.

Interview, Patrick Donohoe, Paradigm Life, LeAura Alderson, Financial Fitness, Financial Education, Investment Strategies, Inifnite Banking, Wealth Generation, Best Boomers and Beyond, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Be Your Own Bank, Entrepreneurs, Robert Kiyosaki, Whole Life Insurance,
Boomers have more opportunities today to become their own boss and live the lives of their dreams, than ever before.

There are thousands of inspiring people of all ages, in new creative endeavors. I get especially excited seeing baby boomers embarking on new adventures as they work to reinvent themselves during their second half of life, and there are more opportunities today to become your own boss and live the life of your dreams than ever before.

Many of the most inspiring people I consider my teachers and mentors are Generation X and Y entrepreneurs, such as Patrick Donohoe—a Gen X-er. These are the 25-45-something year olds who are changing paradigms, working outside the box and thinking expansively from an impressive innate wisdom.

Patrick Donohoe is one such on a mission to empower people with financial education so they can make better choices and have the freedom which comes from greater financial wealth.

Communication between the generations is paramount. Patrick Donohoe
Interview, Patrick Donohoe, Paradigm Life, LeAura Alderson, Financial Fitness, Financial Education, Investment Strategies, Inifnite Banking, Wealth Generation, Best Boomers and Beyond, Baby Boomers, Gen X, generationi gap, Be Your Own Bank, Entrepreneurs, Robert Kiyosaki, Whole Life Insurance,
Each generation has so much to offer in collaboration, learning with and from each other.

What’s so cool about today, more than any other time in history, is that we can all learn from each other.  The elders are no longer just the “keepers of wisdom”, and in my experience, when we allow ourselves to learn from each other as contributing, productive human beings, no matter the age, we’re all better of.

We’re delighted to have the opportunity to catch up with Patrick and hear from him, what he’s invested in, what resources he utilizes and what’s important in his life. So, get your cuppa favorite brew and please join me in learning more about Patrick Donohoe.

A few highlights from Patrick follow this, but do not replace the ambiance of hearing from Patrick live.  You will see near the end, what really lights him up… and I think you’ll be able to relate, but let us know in your comments below or on our Facebook page, what you enjoyed most about this interview.

Interview Preview

Patrick Donohoe:  It’s a really cool time to live… and it’s based on your perspective, and that determines [your] reality, and even though it’s crazy and chaotic… it’s one of the coolest times to be alive. 

Patrick’s company offers a financial tool that helps people to become their own banker and self-financier, while maintaining the benefit of whole life insurance. This is a financial product controversial to some not educated on the concept, and Patrick’s mission is to help people make informed decisions, by offering free educational videos and articles on the topic through his company’s site:

It’s always good to consider multiple opinions and multiple perspectives. Patrick Donohoe

Patrick Donohoe:  If you just have one perspective on something, you’re taking a gamble as to whether it’s right or wrong for you.  So it’s good that there’s a lot of critics. It’s the stages that truth goes through, where it’s not just accepted as truth, but it goes through a rebuke and goes through some criticism.  If you address something rationally… it gives people a chance to evaluate and decide.

Entrepreneurs have existed since humans could think, and believe me, entrepreneurs are figuring out ways to solve your problems.               Patrick Donohoe

Patrick Donohoe, is an inspiring and successful young entrepreneur, passionate about financial education that helps people make more informed choices. He’s working to shift old paradigms about wealth, by making once exclusive financial tools utilized by the wealthy, available to all who are interested in exploring clever and creative options for turning assets into income.

There’s a plethora of information out there about financial vehicles and investing. So much that it could be overwhelming.  But don’t let it discourage you.  Rather, take it on as a sort of “brain gym” exercise… a puzzle to figure out that helps keeps your mind agile and young through the learning process.

When you make a decision, make a decision based on your [informed] knowledge, not on somebody else’s.  Patrick Donohoe
Interview, Patrick Donohoe, Paradigm Life, LeAura Alderson, Financial Fitness, Financial Education, Investment Strategies, Inifnite Banking, Wealth Generation, Best Boomers and Beyond, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Be Your Own Bank, Entrepreneurs, Robert Kiyosaki, Whole Life Insurance,
Patrick & Synthia Donohoe, a beautiful couple… beautiful family!

We think you’ll enjoy tuning into this interview with Patrick Donohoe, a leader and entrepreneur, who has built a large, highly successful company, based on teaching financial education and helping others to achieve financial freedom. Find out Patrick’s answers to tough questions, and what kind of investments he’s involved in.

My dream is to raise good kids. Patrick Donohoe
Patrick’s two daughters and son

And be sure to take advantage of these free tools from Patrick, in the Resources list below.  Also, if you enjoyed this article, you will likely also enjoy this article titled: Financial Freedom Begins With Financial Education.


Free eBook: Infinite Wealth, a Different Kind of Retirement:

32 min. Video: Know Your Retirement – revolutionizing the way people invest in real estate. – the world’s largest online marketplace connecting borrowers and investors.

Book: Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: 10 Secrets Every Father Should Know

Patrick Donohoe is the President and CEO of Paradigm Life &

Patrick Donohoe started Paradigm Life in 2007 to teach investors, business owners, professionals and families on sound financial principles. He is a firm believer that the more someone is educated, the better financial decisions they will make and the more financially free they will be. Patrick created a unique educational process which is conducted virtually by way of video webinars. Patrick is also the host of Paradigm Life’s podcast which has been on the air since 2007. Patrick grew up in West Hartford, Connecticut and moved to Salt Lake City in 2003 to attend the University of Utah and subsequently graduated with a BA in Economics. He enjoys spending time with his family and friends. He enjoys playing ice hockey and is an avid participant in CrossFit. Patrick currently resides in Salt Lake City, Utah, with his wife and their three children.